Sacramental Preparation
Norwood-Fontbonne Academy supports children and their families for the reception of First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, as cherished and grace-filled experiences.
Preparation for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion is incorporated into the religion curriculum for students in Grades 2.
Each year, a theme is selected to guide the students and parents along their path of formation. Prayer, lessons, music, stories and a retreat day are all elements of the preparation for the children. They then receive the sacraments within a family-oriented celebration at Norwood-Fontbonne Academy which includes the opportunity for the participation of the students’ parish priests.
As with all NFA liturgies and prayer services, students have special and meaningful roles in the preparation for and celebration of these sacraments. Non-Catholics are invited to participate in the preparation and services if they so desire. Children who opt not to receive the actual sacrament are always welcome to receive a blessing from the priest.
While the Sacrament of Confirmation is received in the students’ parishes, NFA offers a formal preparation program for sixth and seventh grade students. Along with this preparation, our students are encouraged to participate fully in their parish Confirmation events such as retreats, information sessions, etc.
The Director of Campus Ministry and faculty in grades 2, 6, and 7 collaborate on preparation processes. Parents, too, closely participate in the preparation process and the sacrament experience. The Campus Minister also supports parents through prayer and informational meetings, literature, and regular communication. Faculty, parents and children are able to journey as one being graced by God in the experience of the sacraments with their class and faith community at NFA.