
Virtual Game Nights

virtual game night logo

You asked...we listened! 

Your feedback from Virtual Trivia Night indicated that you would like to participate in more “virtual” game events with the NFA community.

We created a series of games for the NFA community to bring some fun to your quarantine. All games will be played on WebEx or Zoom platforms.

Name That Tune - Friday, May 22, at 7 p.m.
Bingo - Friday, May 29, at 7 p.m.

Participate in as many of the games as you wish. There is no charge to participate, but we would gratefully accept a donation of any amount.

You'll receive a confirmation email with a link to the WebEx session the day of the game. Save that email until 6:50 p.m. the night of the event, click the link, and wait for the game to begin. If you're playing with family or friends outside your home, share the email and link with them, so they can join in the fun!

Support our local businesses with a Meal Deal!

To help our local businesses, we encourage you to make Friday Virtual Game Nights complete by ordering dinner from one of our NFA supporters. Mention that you are from Norwood-Fontbonne Academy when you call to order. (Click on the restaurant name to link to its menu or website.)

McNally’s Tavern
8634 Germantown Avenue  
$50 for 5 Schmitters OR 5 Chicken Cheesesteak sandwiches, plus a bag of chips.
Please order just before you plan to pick up. 

Karla’s Kitchen & Catering
1666 Bethlehem Pike (Flourtown)  
Any dinner (Protein + any two sides) $12.50/person  
Call by 3:00 p.m. to find out the day’s offerings and place your order for take-out.  Must mention NFA to receive this price.

Toto’s Pizzeria & Italian Specialties
6555 Greene Street
W. Mount Airy  
1 Medium Plain Pizza and 10 Chicken wings $18.99
2 Large Plain pizzas $21.99
2 Large Plain Pizzas,  20 Chicken Wings & 2 liter bottle Pepsi products $39.99

Campbell’s Place
8337 Germantown Avenue
Offering Family Style menu for groups of 4 or more
Call to order.