Health Services & Forms
Norwood-Fontbonne Academy's School Nurse is on site every school day, with a Philadelphia School District nurse assigned on a part-time basis as a supplement. There are Nurses Offices located on the Norwood and the Fontbonne campuses for the student's convenience.
Specifically our school nurse:
- Serves as Resource
- acts as a resource for faculty, parents and students
- serves as the child's advocate
- serves as a liaison with parents, physicians, community agencies and support groups to provide medical care and assistance to families and students in need
- Addresses Acute Situations
- provides specialized health care and services
- responds to urgent and emergency incidents
- administers medications
- Conducts Screenings
- conducts health screenings
- assesses and evaluates individual growth and development
- identifies and refers possible pediatric and adolescent health problems for early diagnosis and treatment
- Monitors Students
- monitors student immunizations
- provides individual health counseling to service emotional and physical health needs
- evaluates and monitors communicable diseases and implements strategies to prevent the spread of disease in the school
- Promotes Wellness
- provides educational and promotional activities for the future healthy lifestyles of our students
All Grades (K-12)
Before attending any Philadelphia schools, students from all grade levels must have received the following vaccines:
- Diphtheria, Tetanus, & Acellular Pertussis (DTap) 4 doses
- Polio (IPV) 4 doses
- Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) 2 doses
- Hepatitis B (Hep B) 3 doses
- Chickenpox (Varicella) 2 doses
7th Grade
In addition to the above vaccines, before entering the 7th grade Philadelphia students must receive these additional vaccines*...
- Tetanus, Diphtheria, & Acellular Pertussis (Tdap) 1 dose
- Meningococcal Conjugate (MCV4) 1 dose
All students must be completely immunized before admission. This is a requirement of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, the Philadelphia County Board, and the Philadelphia School District.
Norwood-Fontbonne Academy follows the policy of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia (#S 305) with regard to immunization exceptions: “The policy of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia with respect to vaccinations, requires all children to be vaccinated against a wide variety of diseases. Exceptions are not granted, except for medical reasons.”
- Administration of Medication Request – Med-1 (Form)
- Dental Examination for Children Entering Kindergarten, 3rd or 7th Grade (Form)
- Physical Examination for Private Schools – PA Dept. of Health (Form)
- Philadelphia School District Immunization Requirements (Informational Form)
- Pennsylvania Immunization Requirements (Informational Form)
215-247-3811, ext. 207