
Pie Sale


The NFA PA is thrilled to partner with Bredenbeck's for a Pie Sale this year. All pies are 8" and will be available for pick-up on Tuesday, November 26 following the Thanksgiving Mass. Orders will close on Wednesday, November 13.
We've also provided an opportunity for families to purchase a pie for NFA's Thanksgiving Outreach.
Thank you for your support!
First Name
Last Name
I would like to purchase a pie for NFA's Thanksgiving Outreach:required
I would like to purchase:Select any of the following for pricing and quantity.
Select any of the following for pricing and quantity.
Apple Pie - Plain Top
Apple Pie - Crumb Top
Cherry Pie - Plain Top
Cherry Pie - Crumb Top
Blueberry Pie - Plain Top
Blueberry Pie - Crumb Top
Pumpkin Pie
Sweet Potato Pie
Coconut Custard
Pecan Pie
Seasonal Cookies1lb box (20-24 each)
1lb box (20-24 each)

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