
Contact Parents

A Contact Parent is the liaison between the NFA Parents' Association/Parents at Large (PALs) and the parents in your class and between the teacher and parents in the class. Duties will include, but are not limited to:

  • You will receive a class contact list from the Parents At Large as soon as it is available. Reach out to the parents of your class to introduce yourself and explain that you are the liaison between the teacher and the class parents/guardians. You may also wish to ask for core volunteers who are able to help throughout the year for classroom events/activities.
  • Reach out to the teacher(s) as soon as possible. Let him/her know that you’re the contact parent and connect with him/her on things that he/she would like help or involvement with throughout the year (classroom crafts, holiday celebrations, field trips, classroom communications etc….).  Note: for grades 4 and up, contact all homeroom teachers for the grade.    
  • Communicate with the teacher(s) in first week in November: “Would you like my help with Thanksgiving Outreach?” This generally involves helping to organize a food collection for families in need. More instruction will come from NFA on what each class will collect, etc.
  • Communicate with the teachers(s) in the first week of December: “Would you like my help with Christmas Outreach?” This generally involves organizing the purchasing of gifts for a family in need. The class will be given information about the family they are assigned to with ages, needs, etc. A Sign-Up Genius or other similar tool is helpful in allowing parents to sign up for what they can provide and avoid duplications.  
  • Teacher gift collections (Christmas & End of Year):
  • Email class when you receive the Teacher Gift Letter from the NFA Parents' Association to begin the Christmas gift collection for the teachers.
  • End of year collection is not NFAPA sponsored. However, you are strongly encouraged to communicate or coordinate an effort for your class. You can do this by:
    • Collecting money yourself and putting together the teacher gift(s)
    • Find another parent to collect the money and put a gift together
  • The NFAPA may ask for help in engaging parents to be volunteers for NFAPA events or to support Admissions events and Mission of Advancement events.
  • Depending on the needs of the Mission Advancement Office, you may be called upon to identify a class parent to organize a class auction item for school-wide parent fundraiser.
  • It has been NFA tradition for classes to host their own parent socials in the fall of each school year. This could take place at a parents’ home (not necessarily the CP’s home, a restaurant, or even at the school’s Fall Fest). Class parents should communicate with their parents about the interest and availability of everyone and help in planning this social if an interest is apparent. 


Name / Guardian Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Some grades/programs already have Contact Parents in place.