

We invite you to experience Norwood-Fontbonne Academy for yourself! Join us for an Open House, Fun Friday, or Montessori event this school year!

Norwood-Fontbonne Academy is the leading independent Catholic academy for preschool - eighth grade students in the Philadelphia area. NFA offers a dual academic path in Montessori or Primary for students age 3 - 3rd grade.

2024 - 2025 OPEN HOUSES


We invite you to experience Norwood-Fontbonne Academy for yourself! Join us for an Open House this school year! 

Upcoming Dates: January 16, February 6, February 12



Tour NFA's 14-acre campus and better understand our dual academic paths in addition to our Middle School experience. Hear directly from students, parents, and teachers!
How many parents/guardians will be in attendance?requiredPlease select up to 1 choice
Please select up to 1 choice
Parent/Guardian 1 Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Parent/Guardian 2 Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
How many students are you looking to enroll?requiredPlease select up to 1 choice
Please select up to 1 choice
Student 1 Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
Student 2 Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
Student 3 Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
How did you hear about NFA?*Please select up to 14 choices
Please select up to 14 choices
I would like a Parent Ambassador to reach out to me
Are you currently en employee of an SSJ Sponsored Ministry (Chestnut Hill College, Mount Saint Joseph Academy), Chestnut Hill Hospital, St. Joseph's Preparatory School or La Salle College High School?required

Fun Friday Events

Join us for an upcoming Fun Friday event! Fun Fridays typically take place on the first Friday of each month (October - May). Events take place from 10 - 10:30am on NFA's campus. Fun Fridays include an engaging theme, activity, story, and/or snack. These events are for children (ages 2.5 - 4 years old) and their parent(s). SPACE IS LIMITED!

Register for the next Fun Friday!


Parent / Guardian Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Register My Child and I For:requiredFuture dates to be added.
Future dates to be added.
Please note if you're an NFA graduate!