NFA’s learning support program provides many benefits to the NFA student experience. We have two learning support specialists who work directly with students, staff, and parents in order to set students up for academic success. NFA’s learning support program serves students with specific mild learning disabilities in math computation, math problem solving, reading, writing, spelling, processing, as well as students with attention or executive functioning challenges. Some examples of classroom accommodations that NFA can provide are:
- Use of tools like anchor charts, notecard with cues, study guides, calculators, graphic organizers, etc.
- Providing notes or reading ahead of time
- On-task focusing prompts for redirection
- Testing accommodations like chunking, breaks, etc.
Learning Support is provided in VariousWays:
- Small group rostered learning support
- Whole group classroom push-in
- Lunch Gathering- Students in grades 4-8 may choose to attend lunch gathering for the opportunity to get ahead on assignments, catch up on work, completion of assessments, to get organized, or to meet with the learning support teacher for support in any academic area.
Learning Support at the K-5 Level:
- Intervention for Math and Reading/Writing with the use of programs like Wilson, Fundations, Just Words, Read Live, IXL, etc.
- Overall academic support with specific subject area assignments, projects, assessments
- Executive functioning supports focussing on organizational needs, study skills, time management, self-advocacy, etc.
Learning Support at the 6-8 Level:
- Overall academic support with specific subject area assignments, projects, assessments
- Executive functioning supports focussing on: organizational needs, goal setting, decision making, task initiation, planning, study skills, time management, prioritization, self-advocacy, etc.