
Strategic Vision

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In March 2019, we kicked off our Strategic Planning process. This community-wide initiative brought together students, faculty and staff, current parents, alumni and their parents, Advisory Board members, and several Sisters of Saint Joseph, as we worked together and examine all areas of Norwood-Fontbonne Academy to define goals and objectives for NFA’s growth for the future.

Borne out of these months of research, surveys, focus groups, interviews, meetings, and a retreat, came “Directed Toward Tomorrow — 2020–2025 Strategic Plan.”

On February 24, 2020, Dr. Ryan Killeen, president of NFA, was pleased to present the final plan at a Community Meeting in the Fontbonne Commons. Below you’ll find a brochure distributed that evening highlighting our goal statements and objectives and his presentation to those gathered.

We have much work ahead, but our strategic plan provides clear navigation for growth from now through the next five years. We look forward to you joining us on this exciting journey!

Strategic Plan Brochure

Strategic Plan Community Meeting, February 24, 2020

Part 1: Dr. Killeen's Introduction

Part 4: Belonging and Inclusion

Part 2: Identity and Relationship

Part 5" Vitality and Stewardship

Part 3: Student Experience

Part 6: Campus Environment