We are excited to announce that NFA will implement a Tech-Free Week from February 10-14. During this week, students and staff will refrain from using digital devices as much as possible.
News and Events
Current and prospective parents are welcome to join us for Curriculum Night on Tuesday, October 29 at 6:30pm in the Fontbonne Commons.
Join us on October 26!
On Thursday, October 31, students in Grades 1-3 will join in a Halloween Parade at 1pm on the Fontbonne Campus. Parents of students in these grades are invited to watch, while students in Grades 4-8 and the houses will cheer on the parade and hand out treats.
An essay written by Caroline B. '24 was selected as the "Middle School" category winner of the 2023 American Freedom Essay Contest, a prominent, national writing contest.
Ask any graduate what they remember most about their time at NFA and you’re bound to hear about the legendary Snowball Tournament, an annual tradition which brings the entire community together during some of the coldest days of the year.
NFA alumna Meg Kane '95 was instrumental in helping Philadelphia be one of the host cities for the 2026 FIFA World Cup.
Students and staff from three sponsored works of the Sisters of Saint Joseph – Chestnut Hill College, Mount Saint Joseph Academy, and Norwood-Fontbonne Academy – will come together on Friday, January 12 and participate in a prayer service, service projects, and related activities in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.